
4 Major Reasons that You Need Asset Protection Planning

No matter your financial situation, you likely want to engage in asset protection planning to the greatest degree possible. You want to be able to provide for yourself and your family throughout your lifetime. You also may want to leave an inheritance and means of support for your loved ones after your death. Whatever your motivation, chances are that you need asset protection planning to ensure that you keep your wealth.

You can rely on a Florida asset protection lawyer at Kramer Green to work diligently to protect your assets to the greatest extent possible. We will work with you to find the best ways to achieve this goal so that you can protect the wealth that you have worked so hard to earn.

Taking the steps necessary to engage in asset protection planning is critical to your future and your family’s future. Here are the four reasons you need to engage in comprehensive asset protection planning.

  1. Lawsuits can happen at any time, at any place, for any reason.

No matter who you are, you are not immune from accidents, catastrophes, tragedy, or bad luck. Every step you take in life involves some risk, no matter how careful you try to be. You could cause a car accident that significantly harms another person, resulting in a personal injury lawsuit.  In today’s litigious society, people file lawsuits first and ask questions later. Whatever the case, you could end up owing a large judgment, making it critical to safeguard your personal assets from creditors.

  1. You own a business.

You may be a professional sued for malpractice by an unhappy patient or client. A current or former employee may accuse you of sexual harassment or discrimination. All these situations could lead to liability and creditors trying to reach your assets. Asset protection planning can prevent these creditors from being able to use your assets to satisfy these types of debts.

  1. You own property.

At your annual barbecue, a neighbor could be injured in a freak accident. A child could drown in a swimming pool accident in your backyard. A fight may break out at your house while the guys drink and watch the game, leading to unexpected injuries. If you own rental properties, a lack of maintenance could cause injuries to a tenant or visitor. Any of these unexpected events could lead to immense liability that may affect your property.

  1. You could unexpectedly owe a large amount of debt.

A failed business venture may result in more debt than you ever imagined. A catastrophic accident could cost thousands of dollars in uninsured medical expenses. Poor investments and guarantees of leases, etc. are unanticipated life events that can lead to debts that weren’t part of your financial plan. Engaging in asset protection planning can help shield your assets from creditors seeking to collect those debts.

Contact Our Office Today for Your Asset Protection Needs

The asset protection attorneys of Kramer, Green, Zuckerman, Greene & Buchsbaum, P.A. are ready to assist you in protecting your real estate assets from the reach of judgment creditors. We know how hard you have worked to acquire your assets over time and want to help you preserve them.

As a result, our objective is to take all actions necessary to protect your wealth for your and your family’s benefit. Contact our office today at (954) 966-2112 or reach out to us online to schedule a time to discuss your legal issues with our attorneys.

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