
2017 Annual Report Notice Reminder

This Notice is for General Partners and/or Limited Partners of Limited Partnerships (Ltd.) and Limited Liability Limited Partnerships (LLLP), as well as Officers and/or Directors of Corporations (Inc. or P.A.) and Members and/or Managers of Limited Liability Companies (L.L.C.).

This is a courtesy reminder that your 2017 Annual Report must be filed by you with the Florida Department of State by May 1, 2017.

At this time, you should have received or will soon be receiving an e-mail from the Florida Department of State regarding filing your 2017 Annual Report. Please watch for this and read it carefully once you have received same. You should be advised that, except as addressed below, the e-mail you receive will be the only reminder sent to you from the Department of State. If have not already done so, you may download and/or file your Annual Report online by going to the Florida Department of State website – http://dos.myflorida.com/sunbiz/.

Once again, the 2017 Annual Report must be filed with the Florida Department of State by May 1, 2017, to avoid any penalties and additional fees. Below is a chart of the current filing fees for Annual Reports:

Professional Associations (P.A.) $150.00
Corporations (Inc. or Corp.) $150.00
Limited Liability Company (L.L.C.) $138.75
Limited Partnerships (Ltd.) $500.00
Limited Liability Limited Partnerships (LLLP) $500.00

If you have previously filed your annual report online and provided an e-mail address to the Florida Department of State, the following is an e-mail which you may already have received or should be receiving from them:

“Official Department of State 2017 Annual Report Filing Notice for XXXXXX


Your 2017 Annual Report is now due.  Annual reports for all corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships and limited liability limited partnerships are due each year between January 1st and May 1st.  An annual report is a required report that is used to update or confirm the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations’ records.  It is not a financial statement.

An annual report must be filed each year for your business entity to maintain an active status with the Department of State, and is required regardless of whether you need to make changes or not.  All annual reports must be filed online at http://dos.myflorida.com/sunbiz/.

Click on Annual Report under Filing Services to complete your filing.  Data displayed on the online annual report form is the most current data on file with this division.  Please review your data carefully and make changes where necessary.  Filing instructions are available on the website, and you may pay by credit card, check or through a prepaid Sunbiz E-File Account.

Remember to file on or before May 1st.  It is easy, quick and secure!  A $400 non-negotiable late fee will be imposed on any profit corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership and limited liability limited partnership annual report filed after midnight Eastern Standard Time on May 1st.  Non-profit corporations are not subject to the $400 late fee.  Any business entity which fails to file its annual report by the third Friday of September will be administratively dissolved or revoked in our records on the fourth Friday in September.

Administratively dissolved or revoked entities may be reinstated by submitting a reinstatement application and paying all associated fees, which include the reinstatement fee and annual report fees due, at the time of submission.

Sunbiz.org remains the only official website of the Department of State, Division of Corporations.  You will know you are in the right place when you see our official Sunbiz.org logo and header identifying the website as an official State of Florida website.”

Please be reminded that, whether or not this firm prepares annual meeting minutes for your entity, it is your responsibility to file the 2017 Annual Report with the Florida Department of State.

Should you wish to discuss anything contained in this e-mail, please feel free to contact me.
Also, please feel free to forward this e-mail to your friends, clients and business associates.
